New! CareerLink Jobs of the Week

Jobs of the Week Logo.png

If you still haven’t heard about it yet, CareerLink is the online job board from the Regis University Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD).  It’s free to all Regis University students, alumni and staff.

Starting today (and every Wednesday) we’ll feature the CCPD CareerLink Jobs of the Week on our Facebook, LinkedIn and Blog pages.

For a complete list of the current jobs and internships posted on CareerLink, go to and click on “CareerLink“. Enter your Regis University student/employee ID number into both the username and password fields.  From the home page of CareerLink, click on “Job/Internship Search”.

Questions?  Email or call us at 303-458-3508

Here are just a FEW of the jobs and internships you’ll see on CareerLink right now:Jobs of the week 6.15

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